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Original Article
Hypospadias scoring challenges: a pilot study on GMS interpretation
Aims: Hypospadias is one of the most common urological congenital anomalies. Several scoring systems have been established to create a common language for hypospadias because the severity, determined only according to meatus localisation, does not provide an accurate approach. Glans-urethral meatus shaft (GMS) scoring is one of them.
Methods: This pilot study’s purpose was to determine how to improve the GMS score (3-12) and if it would be beneficial to divide the three-part structure (mild, moderate, severe) into two groups: high and low scores. Our study was planned and conducted as a one-year prospective study, and 44 cases were included in this study.
Results: Conventional groups were regrouped as the Low score group, including GMS 3-7 scores, and the High score group, including GMS 8-12 scores. High score group was statistically significantly higher than Low score group regarding the presence of complications (p=0.021). No significant correlation was found between glans and penis measurements and development of complications.
Conclusion: Our study suggests that the simpler two-category method we proposed for the evaluation of the GMS score may also be an alternative. It suggests the need for further studies to evaluate and improve the utility of all scoring methods, including the GMS.

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Volume 1, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 84-88