Surgery on Children Journal aims to publish issues related to Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric Vascular Surgery, Pediatric Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatric Ear Nose Throat, Ophthalmology, Pediatric Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Pediatric Urology, Pediatric Surgical Intensive Care Clinic, and other clinical surgery fields on children of the highest scientific and clinical value at an international level and accepts articles on these topics.

The localization, treatment, and complications of dermoid cysts in the eyebrow region
Dermoid cysts are congenital lesions characterized by skin appendages and surrounding epithelial tissue with a well-defined cyst wall, accounting 40% of all pediatric lesions. The most common location is frontotemporal, orbital and nasoglabellar region. Diagnosis is based on physical examination and imaging in selected cases. Surgical excision is recommended as the preferred course of treatment. Presentation, classification, differential diagnosis, imaging methods and algorithms, surgical techniques and complications are discussed based on the recent literature.

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Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 26-30