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Management of spontaneous pneumothorax in children
Pneumothorax is defined as air or gas accumulation in the pleural cavity. It can occur spontaneously or secondary to an underlying pulmonary disease or after a trauma. Spontaneous pneumothorax has been traditionally categorized as primary or secondary. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax(PSP) affects commonly young healthy people especially tall and thin adolescent males. Secondary cases may occur in patients with underlying pulmonary disease. The main aim in the treatment of pneumothorax is to empty the air in the pleural cavity and allow the lung to re-expand. There are two main approaches for the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax; non-operative management options include bed rest, oxygen supplementation with watch-and-wait option, needle aspiration and surgical management options ranges from chest tube insertion to more invasive intervention such as lung resection, pleurodesis or bullae excision via thoracoscopy or thoracotomy. There is still a lack of consensus in the diagnostic approach and treatment strategies in PSP in children. Therefore, we aimed to review the clinical findings, radiological imagining, treatment options and surgical strategies in children with PSP.

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Volume 1, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 98-104